Empowering future leaders through scholarships

It’s one of my favorite times of year at the Foundation – scholarship awards season! Each year, The Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation awards scholarships to deserving students throughout our community. In 2023, we will award about $425,000 in the form of more than 275 new and renewal scholarships this spring. In the coming weeks, our staff will attend banquets all over the county to celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2023.
These students and hundreds of others will graduate and begin their next chapter. Some are moving directly into the workforce, while others are planning to attend a college or university or enroll in a trade or technical school. Regardless of their plans, they are making their dreams a reality with assistance from donors who have established scholarships through the Foundation.
When I was an undergraduate student, I was fortunate enough to receive scholarships and it made all the difference. To this day I think about the donors who established the scholarships and am grateful they believed in me enough to invest in me and help make my journey a little easier.
While most of our scholarships are based on financial need, donors who establish a scholarship fund determine the criteria. For example, there are several scholarships for Millstream students pursuing a trade. There is a scholarship for students taking a medical mission trip, students living on an operating farm, non-traditional students returning to school and more.
Each year, we hear more and more success stories of students who received scholarships because of the generosity of donors. Whether you have a passion for your alma mater, your chosen field or an extra-curricular program that changed your life, a scholarship fund establishes your legacy for your passion. If you’d like to learn more about our scholarship program, visit the scholarship section of our website.
To the Class of 2023 – I am incredibly proud of every one of you. You persisted through incredible challenges – shared and unique – and made it. No matter what’s next for you, know we at The Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation are rooting for you!
This editorial was originally printed in The Courier Friday, May 19, 2023.