Board of Trustees

Patty Lucas photo
Patty Lucas — Chair, Retired Vice President of Banking. Financial Consultant.
John Livingston
John Livingston — Vice Chair, Retired Business & Ethics Professional from Marathon Petroleum Corporation
A photo of Bev wearing a white blouse and gray blazer and glasses smiling at the camera.
Beverly Dowling - Treasurer, Accounting Coordination & Recruitment Manager at Marathon Petroleum Corporation

Kelly Shroll photo
Kelly Shroll - Secretary, President of Blanchard Valley Medical Practices
Bill Conlisk bd attempt 3235541265
Bill Conlisk - Retired Manager Administrative Services of Marathon Petroleum Corp.
Frank Cosiano
Dr. Frank Cosiano - Retired Family Physician

Don Essex photo
Don Essex - Director of Human Resources and Performance Excellence at the City of Findlay
Ginger Jones photo
Ginger Jones - Retired from Cooper Tire & Rubber Company
Alissa Preston new
Alissa Preston - Director of Visit Findlay

Ed Reading photo
Ed Reading - Retired from Cooper Tire & Rubber Company
Christina Rodriguez photo
Christina Rodriguez - Principal Talent Acquisition Partner at NorthStar Clean Energy
Walton Rodney
Rod Walton - Sr. Vice President of Premier Bank

Chris Ward
Chris Ward - Professor Emeritus at University of Findlay; Leadership and Career Coach.