Women's Resource Center Fund
Type: Designated
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Established in 2013
The Women's Resource Center of Hancock County Board of Directors established the Women's Resource Center Fund to support its programs that help meet practical, emotional, and spiritual needs, particularly in the area of pregnancy services while respecting the sanctity of life. It also provides young families with information and encouragement, and empowers teens through education in the areas of sexual integrity, healthy choices, and positive futures. Women's Resource Center welcomes young women, families, and teens to be served through a variety of resources; they fill a niche in the community by providing pregnancy tests and support, a diaper points program, mentoring from a faithbased perspective, and the community-based C.A.R.E. program. Through the diaper points program, families are welcome to one package of free diapers each month. After the first month, individuals will need to earn points for the diapers through a variety of easy options. The C.A.R.E. (Character And Relationships Education) program is offered to every middle and high school in Findlay and Hancock County, impacting 3,500 students annually.