Sink Family Fund
Type: Donor Advised
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Established 2024
Tami established this fund on behalf of her family to support Arlington Local Schools. Tami and her parents, Judy and Wayne, are all alumni and longtime supporters of Arlington.
“My family has been a part of this community for generations, many of us, graduates of Arlington High School. My dad was president of his senior class and involved in athletics and chorus. My mom was head majorette, a cheerleader and sang in the chorus. In that same auditorium where they performed and excelled, I was also very active in athletics, band and chorus. While the demolition of that old gym and those old classrooms is bittersweet, it is a necessary part of moving forward. The new school will give students of today and in the future, opportunities to learn, grow and enjoy experiences and friendships made through participation in sports and music programs. It is my hope that monies from this fund will, in some small way, help to further those efforts, providing tools for a successful future and memories for a lifetime.” Tami Sink