Madeleine Thomas Schneider Fund
Type: Common Good
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Established 2005 This fund is the largest single gift that has been made to The Community Foundation, and when received in 2005, it nearly doubled the assets of the foundation. Madeleine Thomas Schneider was born in Findlay, Ohio in 1914, to Dr. Earl J. and Gail (Tritch) Thomas. as a resident of Findlay's South side, she attended Lincoln elementary school and Donnell Junior High School. She graduated as co-valedictorian in 1932 from Findlay High School and continued her education at Smith College, Northampton, Ma. There, she received both her bachelors and masters degrees in physics. In 1942, she began wartime work as a technical aide in the Office of Scientific Research Development at MIT. In 1943, she married Dick Schneider, who became a wellknown surgeon. Mrs. Schneider moved to Michigan with her husband, and while staying active in her community there, she kept up with news from Findlay through friends and family. This Unrestricted Fund was established upon Mrs. Schneider's death to benefit Hancock County, the community that she called home.