Lai Wei-zwei and Lai Hung Tsu-mei Fund
Type: Field of Interest
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Established in 2011
This field of interest fund was established by David and Amy Lai in 2011 in honor and memory of David?s parents, Lai Wei-zwei, 賴威銳 and Lai Hong Tsu-mei, 賴洪春梅, with a gift of real estate. The purpose of this fund is to benefit people in Hancock County, Ohio who are affected by mental illness. David?'ss father, Lai Wei-zwei, was born in 1909, and his mother, Lai Hong Tsu-mei, was born in 1913. They married in 1935, raising one daughter and four sons in their native Taiwan. He spent his career working as an elected official in county government. She worked as a school teacher and elementary school principal, as well as serving 5 terms and 14 years as a state representative. Both of David's parents are loved and remembered for their commitment to family and to community. Following retirement, David's parents spent some time in Findlay with the Lais and their children. They enjoyed their time in Findlay and would be pleased to know that this fund was established by their eldest son and his wife to honor them and to help those in need in this community.