John and Kay Livingston Hancock County FFA Fund

Type: Field of Interest

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Established 2022

John and Kay Livingston established this fund to benefit the agricultural students attending schools in Hancock County. It is their hope that this fund will help fund brighter tomorrows for agricultural students in Hancock County.

John and Kay have been married for 40 years and have lived in Hancock County their entire married life. Kay is originally from Spencerville and moved to Hancock County in 1983. Kay grew up on a 255-acre family farm purchased in the early 1900s by her great-grandparents and is still owned by John and Kay. John also grew up on a family farm purchased by his grandparents in 1927. John still farms the land, which has been planted by Livingstons for 90+ consecutive years. John raises corn, soybeans and wheat.

The agricultural industry has always been important to John and Kay and viewed as a vital sector in the American economy. John and Kay hope by establishing this FFA fund, other young people will be encouraged to pursue a career in agriculture. Funds will be distributed each year to Hancock County schools that offer an agricultural program.