Helping Hancock County 4-H Forever Fund in Honor of Evelyn and Carl Graham
Type: Designated
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The Helping Hancock County 4-H Forever Fund, established in 2017, was created to celebrate Evelyn Graham's dedication as a 4-H advisor for Lakeland Leaders, formerly Lakeland Lassies, 4-H Club. The 2017 4-H year was Evelyn's 50th consecutive year as a 4-H advisor. Carl Graham has been her "right hand man" throughout the entire 50 years as a loyal supporter of the 4-H program. Evelyn and Carl have set an amazing example of living the 4-H pledge for hundreds of young women and men.
This fund, established in their honor to help future generations, shall be designated to support 4-H activities in Hancock County. Funding preference shall go toward supporting 4-H camp, campers and counselors; programs that encourage home economic skills such as sewing, cooking and baking; as well as programs involving livestock, especially related to steers, dairy feeder calves, and hogs or becoming showmen or judges of a variety of livestock. In addition to funding programs that directly benefit the 4-H members, programs that help 4-H advisors will also be considered.