Hancock Christian Clearing House - Marv and Judy Rower Fund
Type: Designated
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Established 2001 Marv and Judy Rower were raised on farms near Arlington, Ohio, and came back to Hancock County after receiving their college educations. Dr. Rower practiced Dermatology for more than 25 years before retiring in 2001. Judy initiated the Gifted and Talented Programs for the Hancock County Schools, serving as Gifted Program Coordinator for many years. Judy is also a Trustee for TCF. The Rowers were pleased to be co-founders of the McClelland Gallery for The Arts Partnership, which promotes the endeavors of area artists, especially young artists. In designating a fund for Hancock Christian Clearing House they hope to help individuals in need of emergency services. "The community has been so wonderful to us. We wanted to give something back to Hancock County-a great place to live, work and raise a family."