Gertrude A. Lee Fund
Type: Common Good
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Established 2007 Gertrude Antonia Lee was a 1939 graduate of Findlay High School and a 1944 graduate of the Toledo School of Nursing. She was a retired registered nurse and a case worker for the Hancock County Board of Health and Children's Welfare. Gertrude taught nursing at Bowling Green School of Practical Nursing and also taught at Blanchard Valley Hospital in training and development. She was active in United Methodist Women and participated in many Bible study and issue study groups. Gertrude assisted her husband Loren with his "Music Makers" group, bringing music to area nursing homes and churches. Gertrude and Loren led a quiet, frugal, unpretentious life, living for over 50 years in the house they built together. Even close family members were unaware of the extent of their estate, which Loren meticulously monitored during his life. After Loren's death, and having no children, Gertrude began a more extensive charitable giving pattern. In 2006, she established a trust which named the Foundation as a beneficiary upon her death. This fund is an unrestricted fund of the Foundation.