Darrell and Alberta Prichard Fund
Type: Designated
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Established 2013
After 50 years of marriage, Darrell and Alberta Prichard found themselves facing a challenge unlike any they had faced before. Darrell, a retired minister, was diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer’s Disease. They were shocked and surprised by this news, and Darrell quickly became withdrawn and ashamed of his diagnosis.
After long family conversations, Darrell soon realized there was no shame in this disease and they decided it was time to announce his diagnosis to friends, former colleagues, and members of the Churches of God, General Conference denomination, in which he had been a pastor for so many years. Darrell and Alberta faced this new path in their life with resolve and determination. They quickly became involved with the Hancock County, Ohio Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, taking part in educational programs, the Walk to End Alzheimer’s event, and advocacy efforts for families in Hancock County and Northwest Ohio. Bringing awareness to the disease and the many needs families who face this diagnosis are met with, Darrell and Alberta have made advocacy for Alzheimer’s patients and their families their new “ministry.”
The Prichards have been the focus of a documentary produced by Severance Visuals, which features their family’s journey through the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, how it impacts their daily lives, and the importance of bringing awareness to a community. This project was created through the support of the Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation and the Alzheimer’s Association, Northwest Ohio Chapter.
To honor the Prichard’s commitment to the Alzheimer’s families in Hancock County and Northwest Ohio, their daughters, along with Darrell’s sisters, created an endowment through the Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation entitled The Darrell and Alberta Prichard Fund for the Alzheimer’s Association, Northwest Ohio Chapter. It is the intent that this endowment will continue to support the Alzheimer’s Association, Northwest Ohio Chapter, and its programs to educate and advocate for individuals and families touched by Alzheimer’s disease living in Hancock County, Ohio.