Barton & Josephine Wilson Fund for Education
Type: Field of Interest
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Established 2001
This fund was established to support educational programs and projects for any nonprofit organization or educational institution located in Hancock County, and for programs, projects, and administrative costs of the Mazza Collection.
The Wilsons were actively involved in both the Deshler and Findlay communities and valued education. After serving in World War II where he received a Purple Heart, Barton Wilson managed and owned severeal food chain stores in the Deshler and Columbus Grove areas. He was a member of both the Deshler and Findlay Masonic Lodges.
On June 7, 1936 he married Josephine Slough, a native of Hancock County. Josephine taught English, French and Latin for 35 years at Vanlue, Oak Hill and Liberty Benton Schools. She retired from teaching in 1969. Josephine painted and was a member of the Art Leauge.